or even better, when you find a black hole spell and want to try it in the safe zone/shop area and "You have angered the gods!" pops up because apparently you are not allowed to damage the walls in there too much and a fun semi-immortal skeleton mage spawns in the trait area of the safe zone and even if you go to the next level its there as well as randomly spawning enemies in the shop. Like if you go up the tree to the left on the surface to the nest and then fly up a bit there is like 8 flying green acid blob monsters that comes to give you a lesson. That is why I've compiled a list of tips and tricks that you can use to help you succeed in your quest of winning - or. Im currently tooling around the parallel worlds for the first time using an infinite black hole wand using an omega that dropped from the alchemist, trick blood money, trick greed, infinite spells, tinker with wands everywhere, and a puff of air boosted rock wand for ez 1 shot trick kills.
Its a fun as ballz game but some things obviously need some changes and a lot of things probably need some warnings for things that most people might try. 1 Health Pickups 2 Spell-Based Healing 3 Hiisi Healers 4 Repair Drones 5 Vampirism 6 Blood Money 7 Healing Materials 8 Refreshing Gourd 9 Kammi 10 Notes Health Pickups Every Holy Mountain will have a Full Health Regeneration, which adds 10 to the player's max HP and regenerates all their health. but with that said, the game's also damn addicting ) Now it seems like your luck is the only thing that makes a small percentage of runs viable and most runs a lost cause. Just played for several hours and quit because I simply got tired of scouring the first few levels for good stuff only to die something that feels like a completely unredeemably hopeless situation.Īt first I was glad there's a lot of challenge, but now I feel like I wouldn't mind a good bit of balancing.

Yeah as much as I love the game's style, physics and overall gameplay, I gotta admit that it can get very frustrating as it is. 3 Perseus 12:44am You can use the following and more : Trigger spells + a wall or formation - behind your back + a projectile spell boomerang ping-pong path bounce double cast + a teleport bolt. There should probably be some at least partial healing scattered around the levels or something. And even if you're really careful, you almost inevitably lose some health to a shot coming from off screen or brushing up against some dangerous material. Alpha imitates the first spell in your wand, while Gamma mimics the last.

Originally posted by piecewise66:It seems odd that there's no healing other than that shop, because the game expects you to explore outward a lot before going down since those different levels can be pretty big spikes in difficulty. Alpha and Gamma have two similar enough effects that they are as useful as the other.