He's been linked to 12, but some believe that number could be as high as 24.

It's still not known how many people Sobhraj murdered.
Charles sobhraj father series#
She went on to compete in the fifth series of Indian reality show Bigg Boss. In 2008, a 64-year-old Sobhraj married 20-year-old Nihita Biswas, who supposedly went to visit him in prison to act as an interpreter for Sobhraj's French lawyer. According to Desnoyers, she kept in regular contact with him and was mulling over emigrating so that she could be with him. She told a journalist from India Todayin 1995, when Sobhraj was approaching the end of a prison sentence in the country, that he was "a very dear friend". On the eve of his wedding to Compagnon, Chantal Desnoyers was allegedly giving birth to their second child. The Telegraph reported that prior to his relationship with Compagnon, Sobhraj had been involved with another woman who was also called Chantal, with whom he had two children. In 2010, Nepal's Supreme Court rejected another appeal made by Sobhraj and in 2014, he received a second life sentence for the murder of Laurent Ormond Carriere, a backpacker from Canada.

Sobhraj's wife Chantal Compagnon – renamed Juliette in the series – a French woman with whom he had a daughter, brought a case against the French government to the European Court of Human Rights arguing that he had unlawfully been offered no legal assistance, but his sentence was confirmed by the Nepalese appeals court in 2005. "I want our audience to find Sobhraj the way others found him." "We wanted instead to encourage and record the testimonies of others who were there. Speaking to the BBC, writer Richard Warlow said: "Sobhraj had been at the wheel of his own story for many years, spinning his yarns to the enthralled and gullible, his ability to mesmerise never waning, it seems. He had got away with so much for so long that he believed he was invincible." "It was all so easy for him," said Knippenberg (via The Independent). In 2004, he was sentenced to life in prison, in large part due to the evidence provided by Dutch diplomat-turned-investigator Herman Knippenberg. In a move that smacks of arrogance, Sobhraj travelled back to Kathmandu, Nepal in 2003 where he was recognised and arrested at a casino for the murder of North American backpacker Connie Bronzich in 1975. Some speculated that he had been killed by Sobhraj, according to The Guardian, but he has denied that claim. Chowdhury was never arrested and his whereabouts remain unknown following just one sighting in Germany in late 1976.